[30+] Breastfeeding MCQs & Answers


What is Breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding is a natural and essential way for mothers to nourish their babies, providing them with the best possible start in life. It provides a unique combination of nutrients and antibodies that support the healthy development and growth of the baby.

Mother’s milk is not only easily digestible but also helps protect babies from various infections and diseases. Additionally, breastfeeding creates a strong bond between mother and child, promoting emotional and psychological well-being. It is recommended by health professionals around the world as the best method of infant feeding, promoting short- and long-term health benefits for both mother and baby.

Breastfeeding MCQs & Answers

What is the recommended duration for exclusive breastfeeding?
  1. 2 months
  2. 6 months
  3. 1 year
  4. 3 years

Ans. B

Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for the first 6 months of a baby’s life.

Which hormone stimulates milk production in lactating women?
  1. Estrogen
  2. Oxytocin
  3. Prolactin
  4. Progesterone

Ans. C

Prolactin is the hormone responsible for milk production in lactating women.

What is the term for when a baby is latched onto the breast correctly during breastfeeding?
  1. Nibbling
  2. Chomping
  3. Latching
  4. Slurping

Ans. C

A correct latch is essential for effective breastfeeding and is referred to as “latching.”

Which of the following is a benefit of breastfeeding for the mother?
  1. Increased risk of breast cancer
  2. Reduced postpartum weight loss
  3. Decreased bonding with the baby
  4. Increased risk of postpartum depression

Ans. B

Breastfeeding can help mothers lose postpartum weight more effectively.

What should a breastfeeding mother include in her diet to ensure an adequate milk supply?
  1. Caffeine and alcohol
  2. Iron-rich foods
  3. Foods high in sugar and processed fats
  4. Spicy foods

Ans. B

Iron-rich foods can help maintain an adequate milk supply for breastfeeding.

What is the recommended duration for exclusive breastfeeding?
  1. 2 months
  2. 6 months
  3. 1 year
  4. 3 years

Ans. B

Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for the first 6 months of a baby’s life.

Which hormone stimulates milk production in lactating women?
  1. Estrogen
  2. Oxytocin
  3. Prolactin
  4. Progesterone

Ans. C

Prolactin is the hormone responsible for milk production in lactating women.

What is colostrum?
  1. The first solid food introduced to a baby’s diet
  2. A type of baby formula
  3. The initial, nutrient-rich breast milk produced after childbirth
  4. An herbal supplement for breastfeeding mothers

Ans. C

Colostrum is the initial breast milk produced after childbirth, rich in nutrients and antibodies.

How often should a newborn typically be breastfed in a 24-hour period?
  1. Once a day
  2. Every 4-6 hours
  3. On-demand, approximately 8-12 times a day
  4. Twice a day

Ans. C

Newborns should be breastfed on-demand, which can be about 8-12 times a day.

Which of the following is a common breastfeeding challenge for mothers?
  1. Too much milk production
  2. Unlimited supply of milk
  3. Engorgement and sore nipples
  4. No milk production at all

Ans. C

Engorgement and sore nipples are common breastfeeding challenges that mothers may face.

When should solid foods be introduced to a baby’s diet in addition to breastfeeding?
  1. At birth
  2. Within the first week
  3. Around 2-4 months of age
  4. After the first year

Ans. C

Solid foods are typically introduced around 2-4 months of age, while breastfeeding continues.

What is the term for the technique of using a bottle to feed expressed breast milk to a baby?
  1. Bottle-feeding
  2. Nursing
  3. Formula-feeding
  4. Pumping

Ans. A

Using a bottle to feed expressed breast milk is referred to as bottle-feeding.

What is the recommended position for breastfeeding to ensure a good latch?
  1. Standing up
  2. Lying on your back
  3. Cradle hold or football hold
  4. Holding the baby’s feet

Ans. C

The cradle hold or football hold are recommended positions for breastfeeding to ensure a good latch.

What are the benefits of breastfeeding for the baby?
  1. Increased risk of infections
  2. Reduced risk of allergies and illnesses
  3. Slower growth and development
  4. Higher risk of colic

Ans. B

Breastfeeding reduces the baby’s risk of allergies and illnesses.

What is the primary source of hydration for a breastfed baby?
  1. Water
  2. Formula milk
  3. Expressed breast milk
  4. Breast milk

Ans. D

Breast milk is the primary source of hydration for a breastfed baby; additional water is not needed in the first six months.

How can a mother increase her milk supply while breastfeeding?
  1. Decreasing the frequency of breastfeeding sessions
  2. Using a pacifier to limit breastfeeding time
  3. Staying well-hydrated, eating a balanced diet, and breastfeeding on demand
  4. Wearing tight clothing to compress the breasts

Ans. C

To increase milk supply, it’s important for a mother to stay well-hydrated, eat a balanced diet, and breastfeed on demand.

When is it generally recommended to start weaning a baby from breastfeeding?
  1. At birth
  2. After the first month
  3. Around 6 months of age or when the baby shows signs of readiness
  4. After the first year

Ans. C

Weaning from breastfeeding is generally recommended around 6 months of age or when the baby shows signs of readiness for solid foods.

What are the key components of breast milk that provide nutrition to the baby?
  1. Protein and carbohydrates
  2. Iron and calcium
  3. Fat and vitamins
  4. Water and electrolytes

Ans. A

Breast milk provides essential nutrition to the baby, including protein and carbohydrates.

What is the term for the practice of feeding a baby with breast milk from another mother?
  1. Shared breastfeeding
  2. Wet nursing
  3. Cross-feeding
  4. Breast milk donation

Ans. B

The practice of feeding a baby with breast milk from another mother is known as wet nursing.

What is the ideal position for a baby’s mouth during breastfeeding to ensure a proper latch?
  1. Mouth slightly open
  2. Mouth wide open with lips flanged out
  3. Mouth closed to prevent air intake
  4. Mouth on the side of the breast

Ans. B

To ensure a proper latch during breastfeeding, the baby’s mouth should be wide open with the lips flanged out.

What is the term for the milk that comes in after colostrum and is more mature and abundant?
  1. Foremilk
  2. Transitional milk
  3. Hindmilk
  4. Mature milk

Ans. C

The milk that comes in after colostrum, which is more mature and abundant, is known as hindmilk.

What is the medical term for a mother’s ability to breastfeed twins at the same time?
  1. Simultaneous nursing
  2. Parallel feeding
  3. Tandem nursing
  4. Double breastfeeding

Ans. C

The medical term for a mother’s ability to breastfeed twins at the same time is tandem nursing.

What is the term for the practice of allowing a baby to suck on the breast for comfort rather than feeding?
  1. Non-nutritive suckling
  2. Pacifier feeding
  3. Comfort nursing
  4. Breastfeeding pacification

Ans. A

Allowing a baby to suck on the breast for comfort rather than feeding is called non-nutritive suckling.

What is the primary source of hydration for a breastfed baby?
  1. Water
  2. Formula milk
  3. Expressed breast milk
  4. Breast milk

Ans. D

Breast milk is the primary source of hydration for a breastfed baby; additional water is not needed in the first six months.

How can a mother increase her milk supply while breastfeeding?
  1. Decreasing the frequency of breastfeeding sessions
  2. Using a pacifier to limit breastfeeding time
  3. Staying well-hydrated, eating a balanced diet, and breastfeeding on demand
  4. Wearing tight clothing to compress the breasts

Ans. C

To increase milk supply, it’s important for a mother to stay well-hydrated, eat a balanced diet, and breastfeed on demand.

When is it generally recommended to start weaning a baby from breastfeeding?
  1. At birth
  2. After the first month
  3. Around 6 months of age or when the baby shows signs of readiness
  4. After the first year

Ans. C

Weaning from breastfeeding is generally recommended around 6 months of age or when the baby shows signs of readiness for solid foods.

What are the key components of breast milk that provide nutrition to the baby?
  1. Protein and carbohydrates
  2. Iron and calcium
  3. Fat and vitamins
  4. Water and electrolytes

Ans. A

Breast milk provides essential nutrition to the baby, including protein and carbohydrates.

What is the term for the practice of feeding a baby with breast milk from another mother?
  1. Shared breastfeeding
  2. Wet nursing
  3. Cross-feeding
  4. Breast milk donation

Ans. B

The practice of feeding a baby with breast milk from another mother is known as wet nursing.

What is the ideal position for a baby’s mouth during breastfeeding to ensure a proper latch?
  1. Mouth slightly open
  2. Mouth wide open with lips flanged out
  3. Mouth closed to prevent air intake
  4. Mouth on the side of the breast

Ans. B

To ensure a proper latch during breastfeeding, the baby’s mouth should be wide open with the lips flanged out.

What is the term for the milk that comes in after colostrum and is more mature and abundant?
  1. Foremilk
  2. Transitional milk
  3. Hindmilk
  4. Mature milk

Ans. C

The milk that comes in after colostrum, which is more mature and abundant, is known as hindmilk.

What is the medical term for a mother’s ability to breastfeed twins at the same time?
  1. Simultaneous nursing
  2. Parallel feeding
  3. Tandem nursing
  4. Double breastfeeding

Ans. C

The medical term for a mother’s ability to breastfeed twins at the same time is tandem nursing.

What is the term for the practice of allowing a baby to suck on the breast for comfort rather than feeding?
  1. Non-nutritive suckling
  2. Pacifier feeding
  3. Comfort nursing
  4. Breastfeeding pacification

Ans. A

Allowing a baby to suck on the breast for comfort rather than feeding is called non-nutritive suckling.


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