[50+] Microbiology MCQs & Answers {PDF} For NTS, NET, SSB, SSC, IBPS, RRB, Govt. Exams


Microbiology MCQs & Answers

Which of the following is a prokaryotic organism?
  1. Bacteria
  2. Fungi
  3. Protozoa
  4. Viruses

Ans. A

Bacteria are prokaryotic organisms because they lack a true nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.

What is the primary function of antibiotics?
  1. Kill human cells
  2. Kill viruses
  3. Kill bacteria
  4. Enhance the immune system

Ans. C

Antibiotics are drugs used to kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria.

Which microorganism is responsible for causing tuberculosis?
  1. Streptococcus
  2. Escherichia coli
  3. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  4. Candida albicans

Ans. C

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the bacterium that causes tuberculosis.

What is the main function of white blood cells in the immune system?
  1. Carry oxygen
  2. Phagocytosis
  3. Produce insulin
  4. Transport nutrients

Ans. B

White blood cells perform phagocytosis, which is the process of engulfing and destroying pathogens.

What is the most common mode of transmission of HIV?
  1. Contaminated food and water
  2. Airborne droplets
  3. Sexual contact
  4. Mosquito bites

Ans. C

HIV is primarily transmitted through sexual contact and through exposure to infected blood or bodily fluids.

Which of the following is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI)?
  1. Hepatitis B
  2. Malaria
  3. Influenza
  4. Chlamydia

Ans. D

Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted infection.

What is the role of antibodies in the immune system?
  1. Attack healthy cells
  2. Recognize pathogens
  3. Produce insulin
  4. Transport oxygen

Ans. B

Antibodies recognize and bind to specific pathogens, marking them for destruction by immune cells.

What is the smallest unit of life that can carry out all life processes?
  1. Protein
  2. Cell
  3. Atom
  4. Virus

Ans. B

A cell is the smallest unit of life capable of performing all life processes.

Which type of microorganism is used in the fermentation of beer and bread?
  1. Archaea
  2. Fungi
  3. Algae
  4. Protozoa

Ans. B

Fungi, such as yeast, are used in the fermentation of beer and bread.

What is the primary vector for the transmission of malaria?
  1. Mosquitoes
  2. Fleas
  3. Ticks
  4. Flies

Ans. A

Malaria is primarily transmitted through the bite of infected mosquitoes.

Which microorganism is responsible for causing Lyme disease?
  1. Streptococcus
  2. Borrelia burgdorferi
  3. Clostridium botulinum
  4. Salmonella

Ans. B

Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, transmitted through ticks.

What is the primary function of the Golgi apparatus in a eukaryotic cell?
  1. Protein synthesis
  2. Energy production
  3. Cell division
  4. Post-translational modification and packaging of proteins

Ans. D

The Golgi apparatus processes and packages proteins for transport within and outside the cell.

Which of the following is an example of a Gram-negative bacterium?
  1. Staphylococcus aureus
  2. Escherichia coli
  3. Streptococcus pyogenes
  4. Bacillus anthracis

Ans. B

Escherichia coli is a Gram-negative bacterium, as it does not retain crystal violet stain in the Gram staining process.

Which of the following is a viral disease affecting the respiratory system?
  1. Hepatitis C
  2. Influenza
  3. Tuberculosis
  4. Malaria

Ans. B

Influenza is a viral disease that affects the respiratory system, causing flu symptoms.

What is the primary mode of action of antiviral drugs?
  1. Kill the virus
  2. Boost the immune system
  3. Prevent viral replication
  4. Enhance bacterial growth

Ans. C

Antiviral drugs work by preventing viral replication within host cells.

Which microorganism is responsible for causing strep throat?
  1. Staphylococcus aureus
  2. Haemophilus influenzae
  3. Streptococcus pyogenes
  4. Klebsiella pneumoniae

Ans. C

Streptococcus pyogenes is the bacterium responsible for causing strep throat.

What is the primary mode of transmission for the hepatitis B virus?
  1. Sexual contact
  2. Contaminated food and water
  3. Respiratory droplets
  4. Injection drug use

Ans. D

Hepatitis B is primarily transmitted through exposure to infected blood and body fluids, such as through injection drug use.

What is the primary vector for the transmission of Zika virus?
  1. Mosquitoes
  2. Fleas
  3. Ticks
  4. Bedbugs

Ans. A

Zika virus is primarily transmitted through the bite of infected mosquitoes, specifically Aedes mosquitoes.

Which of the following microorganisms is used in the production of yogurt?
  1. Streptococcus pneumoniae
  2. Lactobacillus acidophilus
  3. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  4. Salmonella enterica

Ans. B

Lactobacillus acidophilus is used in the fermentation of yogurt.

Which of the following is a disease caused by a prion?
  2. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
  3. Tuberculosis
  4. Malaria

Ans. B

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is a neurodegenerative disease caused by prions.

Which organelle in a eukaryotic cell is responsible for generating ATP (adenosine triphosphate)?
  1. Nucleus
  2. Mitochondrion
  3. Ribosome
  4. Endoplasmic reticulum

Ans. B

Mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cell and are responsible for ATP production.

Which process is responsible for converting sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide in yeast cells?
  1. Fermentation
  2. Photosynthesis
  3. Respiration
  4. Translation

Ans. A

Fermentation is the process in which yeast converts sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide.

Which type of immunity is acquired through vaccination?
  1. Innate immunity
  2. Passive immunity
  3. Active immunity
  4. Natural immunity

Ans. C

Vaccination leads to active immunity, where the body produces its own antibodies against specific pathogens.

What is the primary diagnostic method for identifying the presence of a specific microorganism in a clinical sample?
  1. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  2. Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  3. Gram staining
  4. Physical examination

Ans. C

Gram staining is a common method used to identify and differentiate bacteria in clinical samples.

Which of the following is a bacterial sexually transmitted infection (STI)?
  1. Gonorrhea
  2. Hepatitis A
  3. Ringworm
  4. Malaria

Ans. A

Gonorrhea is a bacterial sexually transmitted infection.

What is the causative agent of the common cold?
  1. Rhinovirus
  2. Streptococcus pneumoniae
  3. Candida albicans
  4. Plasmodium falciparum

Ans. A

The common cold is typically caused by rhinoviruses.

Which of the following is a fungal infection of the skin, hair, or nails?
  1. Tuberculosis
  2. Leprosy
  3. Athlete’s foot

Ans. C

Athlete’s foot is a common fungal infection of the skin on the feet.

Which type of microorganism is responsible for nitrogen fixation in the soil?
  1. Archaea
  2. Bacteria
  3. Viruses
  4. Protozoa

Ans. B

Certain bacteria, such as Rhizobium, are responsible for nitrogen fixation in the soil.

What is the primary mode of transmission for the Ebola virus?
  1. Sexual contact
  2. Airborne transmission
  3. Direct contact with blood or bodily fluids
  4. Food and water contamination

Ans. C

Ebola virus is primarily transmitted through direct contact with infected blood or bodily fluids.

Which microorganism is responsible for causing dental cavities?
  1. Streptococcus mutans
  2. Escherichia coli
  3. Salmonella enterica
  4. Clostridium difficile

Ans. A

Streptococcus mutans is a bacterium associated with the formation of dental cavities.

Which organelle in a eukaryotic cell is responsible for detoxifying harmful substances?
  1. Endoplasmic reticulum
  2. Lysosome
  3. Peroxisome
  4. Golgi apparatus

Ans. C

Peroxisomes are involved in detoxifying harmful substances in the cell.

Which of the following is an example of a viral disease affecting the nervous system?
  1. Hepatitis A
  2. Measles
  3. Rabies
  4. Cholera

Ans. C

Rabies is a viral disease that affects the nervous system and is usually transmitted through animal bites.

What is the primary function of cilia and flagella in microbial cells?
  1. Synthesis of proteins
  2. Cell division
  3. Cellular respiration
  4. Movement

Ans. D

Cilia and flagella are primarily responsible for cell movement in microbial cells.

Which of the following is a viral disease that primarily affects the liver?
  1. Common cold
  2. Malaria
  3. Hepatitis
  4. Tuberculosis

Ans. C

Hepatitis is a group of viral infections that primarily affect the liver.

Which microorganism is responsible for causing food poisoning from improperly stored or contaminated food?
  1. Streptococcus pyogenes
  2. Salmonella bacteria
  3. Candida albicans
  4. Plasmodium falciparum

Ans. B

Salmonella bacteria are a common cause of food poisoning when food is contaminated.

What is the primary method of preventing the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria?
  1. Vaccination
  2. Proper hand hygiene
  3. Overuse of antibiotics
  4. Disinfecting surfaces

Ans. B

Proper hand hygiene and responsible antibiotic use are key in preventing the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

What is the term for the process of a pathogen entering a host and establishing infection?
  1. Invasion
  2. Immunity
  3. Respiration
  4. Photosynthesis

Ans. A

Invasion is the process by which a pathogen enters a host and establishes infection.

What is the primary vector for the transmission of the Plasmodium parasite responsible for malaria?
  1. Mosquitoes
  2. Fleas
  3. Ticks
  4. Bedbugs

Ans. A

Malaria is primarily transmitted through the bite of infected mosquitoes.

Which of the following is an example of a bacterial sexually transmitted infection (STI) that can cause genital ulcers?
  1. Herpes simplex virus
  2. Chlamydia trachomatis
  3. Syphilis
  4. Gonorrhea

Ans. C

Syphilis is a bacterial STI that can cause genital ulcers.

Which process allows bacteria to transfer genetic material to other bacteria via direct cell-to-cell contact?
  1. Binary fission
  2. Transformation
  3. Conjugation
  4. Endocytosis

Ans. C

Conjugation is the process by which bacteria transfer genetic material to other bacteria via direct cell-to-cell contact.

Which microorganism is used in the production of antibiotics such as penicillin?
  1. Bacteria
  2. Viruses
  3. Fungi
  4. Archaea

Ans. C

Fungi, particularly Penicillium, are used in the production of antibiotics like penicillin.

What is the term for the process of a microorganism or virus entering a host and causing disease?
  1. Infection
  2. Photosynthesis
  3. Metabolism
  4. Immunity

Ans. A

Infection is the process by which a microorganism or virus enters a host and causes disease.

What is the primary mode of transmission for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)?
  1. Direct contact with urine
  2. Respiratory droplets
  3. Sexual contact and blood exposure
  4. Ingesting contaminated food

Ans. C

HIV is primarily transmitted through sexual contact and exposure to infected blood or bodily fluids.

What type of microorganism causes the majority of urinary tract infections (UTIs)?
  1. Bacteria
  2. Fungi
  3. Viruses
  4. Protozoa

Ans. A

Bacteria, especially Escherichia coli, are the most common cause of urinary tract infections.

Which type of white blood cells are primarily responsible for engulfing and digesting pathogens?
  1. T lymphocytes
  2. B lymphocytes
  3. Neutrophils
  4. Monocytes

Ans. C

Neutrophils are the white blood cells responsible for phagocytosis, which involves engulfing and digesting pathogens.

Which bacterial structure provides protection against the host’s immune system and antibiotics?
  1. Flagellum
  2. Cell wall
  3. Plasmid
  4. Capsule

Ans. D

A bacterial capsule is a protective structure that helps bacteria evade the immune system and antibiotics.

What is the primary mode of action of antifungal medications?
  1. Inhibition of cell wall synthesis
  2. Disruption of DNA replication
  3. Inhibition of protein synthesis
  4. Interference with fungal cell membrane integrity

Ans. D

Antifungal medications primarily target fungal cell membranes to disrupt their integrity.

What is the term for the process of a microorganism becoming resistant to the effects of an antimicrobial drug?
  1. Pathogenicity
  2. Phagocytosis
  3. Virulence
  4. Antimicrobial resistance

Ans. D

Antimicrobial resistance is the process of microorganisms becoming resistant to antimicrobial drugs.

Which microorganism is responsible for causing dental cavities?
  1. Streptococcus mutans
  2. Escherichia coli
  3. Salmonella enterica
  4. Clostridium difficile

Ans. A

Streptococcus mutans is a bacterium associated with the formation of dental cavities.

What is the primary vector for the transmission of the West Nile virus to humans?
  1. Mosquitoes
  2. Fleas
  3. Ticks
  4. Flies

Ans. A

West Nile virus is primarily transmitted to humans through the bite of infected mosquitoes.

What is the process by which a virus enters a host cell and takes over the host’s cellular machinery for replication?
  1. Photosynthesis
  2. Endocytosis
  3. Lysis
  4. Viral replication

Ans. B

Endocytosis is the process by which a virus enters a host cell to take over cellular machinery for replication.

What is the primary mode of transmission for the human papillomavirus (HPV)?
  1. Airborne transmission
  2. Sexual contact
  3. Contaminated food and water
  4. Direct contact with infected animals

Ans. B

HPV is primarily transmitted through sexual contact.

Which of the following is a parasitic infection that can be transmitted through undercooked pork?
  1. Toxoplasmosis
  2. Trichinosis
  3. Scabies
  4. Filariasis

Ans. B

Trichinosis is a parasitic infection caused by Trichinella spiralis and can be transmitted through undercooked pork.

What is the primary mode of action of antiviral drugs?
  1. Kill the virus
  2. Boost the immune system
  3. Prevent viral replication
  4. Enhance bacterial growth

Ans. C

Antiviral drugs work by preventing viral replication within host cells.

Which part of the bacterial cell is targeted by antibiotics like penicillin?
  1. Cell membrane
  2. Cytoplasm
  3. Cell wall
  4. Nucleus

Ans. C

Antibiotics like penicillin target the bacterial cell wall, weakening the cell’s structural integrity.

Which structure in a bacterial cell is responsible for storing genetic information?
  1. Ribosome
  2. Nucleoid
  3. Pilus
  4. Flagellum

Ans. B

The nucleoid is a region within a bacterial cell where genetic information is stored.


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