[40+] English Grammar MCQs & Answers For NTS, NET, SSB, SSC, IBPS, RRB, Govt. Exams

Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?
  1. She don’t like pizza.
  2. He doesn’t likes pizza.
  3. They doesn’t like pizza.
  4. I doesn’t like pizza.

Ans. A

The correct sentence is “She don’t like pizza.” In the third person singular, “doesn’t” should be used instead of “don’t.”

What is the correct plural form of “child”?
  1. Childs
  2. Childes
  3. Children
  4. Child’s

Ans. C

The correct plural form of “child” is “children.”

Which of the following is a compound sentence?
  1. The cat is on the roof.
  2. I like to read books.
  3. She went to the store, and he stayed home.
  4. It’s raining outside.

Ans. C

The correct answer is “She went to the store, and he stayed home.” This is a compound sentence as it consists of two independent clauses joined by the coordinating conjunction “and.”

Which of the following words is an adverb?
  1. Dog
  2. Quickly
  3. Jumped
  4. House

Ans. B

The correct answer is “Quickly.” “Quickly” is an adverb that describes how an action is performed.

What is the past tense of “run”?
  1. Running
  2. Ran
  3. Runs
  4. Runned

Ans. B

The correct past tense of “run” is “Ran.”

Which sentence is an example of a compound-complex sentence?
  1. He ran to the store.
  2. She enjoys playing the piano.
  3. While I was studying, the phone rang, and I answered it.
  4. The sun is shining brightly.

Ans. C

The correct answer is “While I was studying, the phone rang, and I answered it.” This is a compound-complex sentence as it contains both independent and dependent clauses.

Which of the following words is a preposition?
  1. Jump
  2. Under
  3. Quickly
  4. Car

Ans. B

The correct answer is “Under.” “Under” is a preposition that shows the relationship between objects in space or time.

What is the comparative form of “good”?
  1. Goodly
  2. Best
  3. Better
  4. Goods

Ans. C

The comparative form of “good” is “Better.”

Which of the following is a synonym for “happy”?
  1. Sad
  2. Joyful
  3. Angry
  4. Tired

Ans. B

The synonym for “happy” is “Joyful.”

What is the superlative form of “small”?
  1. Smallest
  2. Smallness
  3. Smaller
  4. Smallity

Ans. A

The superlative form of “small” is “Smallest.”

Which of the following sentences is in the present perfect tense?
  1. She will go to the party tomorrow.
  2. He went to the store yesterday.
  3. They have finished their homework.
  4. I am eating breakfast.

Ans. C

The correct answer is “They have finished their homework.” This sentence is in the present perfect tense, which indicates an action that started in the past and has relevance to the present.

Identify the part of speech of the word “quickly” in the sentence: “She quickly ran to catch the bus.”
  1. Noun
  2. Verb
  3. Adjective
  4. Adverb

Ans. D

The word “quickly” is an adverb in this sentence as it modifies the verb “ran” by indicating the speed of the action.

What is the plural form of “child”?
  1. Childs
  2. Childes
  3. Children
  4. Child’s

Ans. C

The correct plural form of “child” is “Children.”

Which of the following sentences is a declarative sentence?
  1. Can you pass the salt?
  2. I am going to the store.
  3. What a beautiful day!
  4. He is playing the piano.

Ans. B

The correct answer is “I am going to the store.” This is a declarative sentence that makes a statement.

Which of the following words is a conjunction?
  1. Book
  2. And
  3. Happy
  4. Jumped

Ans. B

The word “and” is a conjunction that is used to connect words, phrases, or clauses.

What is the past participle form of “sing”?
  1. Sings
  2. Sanged
  3. Sang
  4. Sung

Ans. D

The past participle form of “sing” is “Sung.”

Which of the following is an interjection?
  1. Quickly
  2. Wow
  3. Running
  4. House

Ans. B

The word “Wow” is an interjection that expresses strong emotion or surprise.

What is the past tense of “begin”?
  1. Begins
  2. Beginning
  3. Began
  4. Begun

Ans. C

The past tense of “begin” is “Began.”

What is the antonym of “happy”?
  1. Joyful
  2. Sad
  3. Excited
  4. Content

Ans. B

The antonym of “happy” is “Sad.”

Which of the following sentences is in the past perfect tense?
  1. I am studying for the exam.
  2. They had already eaten dinner.
  3. She will bake a cake tomorrow.
  4. He is playing the guitar.

Ans. B

The correct answer is “They had already eaten dinner.” This sentence is in the past perfect tense, indicating an action that occurred before another past action.

Which of the following is a reflexive pronoun?
  1. She
  2. Him
  3. Myself
  4. They

Ans. C

The reflexive pronoun is “Myself.” It is used when the subject and object of a sentence are the same person or thing, as in “I did it myself.”

Identify the part of speech of the word “apple” in the sentence: “She ate a juicy apple.”
  1. Verb
  2. Adjective
  3. Noun
  4. Adverb

Ans. C

The word “apple” is a noun in this sentence as it represents a person, place, thing, or idea.

Which of the following sentences is an imperative sentence?
  1. She is studying for the test.
  2. How are you feeling today?
  3. Please pass the salt.
  4. The cat is sleeping.

Ans. C

The correct answer is “Please pass the salt.” This is an imperative sentence that gives a command or request.

What is the superlative form of “far”?
  1. Farest
  2. More far
  3. Farthest
  4. Farry

Ans. C

The superlative form of “far” is “Farthest.”

Which of the following is an example of an infinitive phrase?
  1. She danced gracefully.
  2. To bake a cake is his favorite activity.
  3. The cat meowed loudly.
  4. Running in the park is fun.

Ans. B

The correct answer is “To bake a cake is his favorite activity.” This is an example of an infinitive phrase that starts with “to” and functions as a noun in the sentence.

Which of the following sentences contains a dangling participle?
  1. After the rain stopped, she went for a walk.
  2. Smiling, the cake was placed on the table.
  3. Running late, the bus was missed by John.
  4. Reaching the summit, a beautiful view awaited them.

Ans. B

The correct answer is “Smiling, the cake was placed on the table.” This sentence contains a dangling participle where it’s unclear who or what was smiling, leading to confusion.

Which of the following is an example of an indirect object in a sentence?
  1. She read the book.
  2. The sun is shining brightly.
  3. The teacher explained the lesson to the students.
  4. They went to the park.

Ans. C

The correct answer is “The teacher explained the lesson to the students.” In this sentence, “the students” is the indirect object as it receives the action of the verb “explained.”

What is the antonym of “begin”?
  1. Start
  2. Commence
  3. Finish
  4. Cease

Ans. D

The antonym of “begin” is “Cease,” which means to stop or end.

Which of the following is a coordinating conjunction?
  1. Because
  2. And
  3. Although
  4. Nevertheless

Ans. B

The coordinating conjunction is “And,” which is used to connect words, phrases, or clauses of equal importance.

What is the comparative form of “many”?
  1. Much
  2. More
  3. Manier
  4. Maniest

Ans. B

The comparative form of “many” is “More.”

Which of the following sentences is in the future perfect tense?
  1. She is singing a song.
  2. They will have finished the project by tomorrow.
  3. He ran to catch the bus.
  4. The bird is chirping.

Ans. B

The correct answer is “They will have finished the project by tomorrow.” This sentence is in the future perfect tense, indicating an action that will be completed in the future before a specific time.

Identify the part of speech of the word “quick” in the sentence: “She is very quick.”
  1. Verb
  2. Adjective
  3. Noun
  4. Adverb

Ans. B

The word “quick” is an adjective in this sentence as it describes a quality of “she.”

Which of the following is an example of a complex sentence?
  1. He walked to the park.
  2. She loves ice cream.
  3. Although it was raining, they went for a walk.
  4. The cat slept peacefully.

Ans. C

The correct answer is “Although it was raining, they went for a walk.” This is a complex sentence as it contains one independent clause and one dependent clause.

What is the plural form of “mouse”?
  1. Mouses
  2. Mice
  3. Mice’s
  4. Mouse

Ans. B

The plural form of “mouse” is “Mice.”

What is the comparative form of “high”?
  1. Highness
  2. Higher
  3. Highy
  4. Highest

Ans. B

The comparative form of “high” is “Higher.”

Which of the following sentences is a compound sentence?
  1. The sun is shining.
  2. He walked to the store.
  3. She likes pizza, and he prefers burgers.
  4. I am reading a book.

Ans. C

The correct answer is “She likes pizza, and he prefers burgers.” This is a compound sentence as it consists of two independent clauses joined by the coordinating conjunction “and.”

What is the antonym of “sincere”?
  1. Honest
  2. Truthful
  3. Insincere
  4. Frank

Ans. C

The antonym of “sincere” is “Insincere,” which means not genuine or truthful.

Identify the part of speech of the word “quickly” in the sentence: “She quickly ran to catch the bus.”
  1. Noun
  2. Verb
  3. Adjective
  4. Adverb

Ans. D

The word “quickly” is an adverb in this sentence as it modifies the verb “ran” by indicating the speed of the action.

Which of the following is an example of a gerund?
  1. He is reading a book.
  2. Swimming is her favorite sport.
  3. The cat is sleeping.
  4. They play tennis every weekend.

Ans. B

The correct answer is “Swimming is her favorite sport.” “Swimming” is a gerund, which is a verb form used as a noun in this sentence.

What is the superlative form of “late”?
  1. Later
  2. Latelier
  3. Latest
  4. Lateness

Ans. C

The superlative form of “late” is “Latest.”

Which of the following is an interjection?
  1. Quickly
  2. Wow
  3. Running
  4. House

Ans. B

The word “Wow” is an interjection that expresses strong emotion or surprise.

What is the past tense of “swim”?
  1. Swam
  2. Swimmed
  3. Swum
  4. Swims

Ans. A

The past tense of “swim” is “Swam.”

Which of the following sentences is in the future continuous tense?
  1. He ate dinner.
  2. She will be singing at the concert tomorrow.
  3. The cat is sleeping.
  4. They play football every weekend.

Ans. B

The correct answer is “She will be singing at the concert tomorrow.” This sentence is in the future continuous tense, indicating an action that will be in progress in the future.

What is the antonym of “brave”?
  1. Fearful
  2. Courageous
  3. Cowardly
  4. Strong

Ans. C

The antonym of “brave” is “Cowardly,” which means lacking courage or being fearful.


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